
Thursday, April 22, 2004

Time flys by

Well I was trying to figure out what day it is, I just dont know how tomarrow is Friday. I dont know where the hell this week went.

Elrock: That is sweet about the job ending. Sounds like you are feeling good about things. Cell phone camera. Why? You slut. Those are evil. I bet its for you panty shot collection huh? Jerk. ANyway... Hey I need to dump actionshots off of the studio server. I never got the login info for FTP to actionteam.org to put that stuff on it.

Rude: Yeah the Metallica thing was very cool. Fortunately, they dont seem to dwell on Drugs in the movie. Supposedly, Hammett is clean since he started surfing a few years ago. That guy is a little perma-fried, but as it goes on he seems to get moreand more lucid. Hetfield went into rehab and is supposedly off the drugs and alcohol too. The movie is about their friendships/working relationships and not partying. You know somehow it doesnt surprise me that Pantera was into drugs. Just got that vibe about them, particularly Phil.

Jon: Keep me updated on Kill Bill, I have been interested, but I heard very mixed reviews on the first part. I heard the second is better than the first, but I am going to wait and see what the word is out on the street before I watch those two.

Orange Julius, the drink of the warrior pope