
Thursday, April 22, 2004


Quick Note:

- Congrats on the end of your old job Eric! Dude, you'll make "Hot Dungeon Games!" a success. Dude, I'm seriously very excited about it, as are the rest of the gang I'm sure.

-Sunday gaming was rad. What the fuck - you guys don't do it every sunday? i call bullshit. actually, i dont call shit. kidding bro kidding!

- I think I saw that same Maxim/Stuff/FHM spread on those girls you were talking about Jael - not my kind of music, but my kinda of chicks, YA! RAR! :)

- Metallica: I want to see that movie too. My friend at work has been in the Metallica fan club for like 11 years, and a few years ago he went to a party at Kirk Hammits (or whatever the fuck his last name is ) house, and he said he watched them do big ol fat lines of coke. Yuck. Also, he was on an oz fest tour, and he saw old hypo-needles in the trash can on the Pantera bus (I guess Phil has a drug problem - yuck again.)

- I talked to that guy from that label again the other day, we went over a few more things, and this week he's writing up the proposal for me. Before I sign a damn thing, I'll make sure I understand every last bit of it. Pretty exciting, but its also one of those things that won't really hit me until I actually see something happen. Cool nonetheless.


PS: Final Fantasy Tactics is the shit on the GBA. SO coool.