
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Opinions, Shmopinions

Okay, to further disprove my claim that all the teams are balanced and it's the coach, other coaches, tournament structure and myriad other factors that effect the success or failure of any team, here is a short listing of the NAF official rankings and the first representation of each race in the rankings, of 748 teams:

1 - Chaos Dwarfs
2 - Wood Elves
4 - Undead
8 - Lizardmen
10 - Humans
11 - Norse
12 - Orcs
14 - Dwarfs
15 - Skaven
22 - Amazons
26 - Necromantic
31 - Dark Elves
48 - High Elves

(Goblin and Halfling teams don't count, cause they are played to lose!)

I don't know what this proves, but it is interesting to look at. We all know what they say about statistics...

PS Hey Jon, like that use of myriad?

PPS Blood Bowl is fun even when you lose

PPPS Teh Supar ACtion Cup I is the first iteration of said tournament, and we can change the teams and rules between leagues, so if we feel there are changes that need to be made to the structure, we can!