
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Another set of Stats..

More emperical data to chew on. Based on 7998 Coaches playing 41353 teams in a total of 128765 matches @ Fumbbl Race Stats. You will find the elves do very well as well as lizardmen and other finesse teams. In fact the Norse have one of the worst records. Losing more than they win. Moral of the story, coaching style and player selection needs to match the team and one game does not make emperical data.

The data they keep on the FumBBL site is very indepth actually and very cool. Gives a real corss section of races, players, and even better, long term race development stats. I.e. how well a race will fare over time as a team becomes more experienced. Check out all the stats at http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=stats.

Yo Joe