
Wednesday, February 04, 2004


I had a good time playing it too. Pretty fun. Amazing just how much that guy is raking in on that game. HUGE margins on that production.

Kings: Simply amazing. If anything this year will help groom some of the minor leaguers and prospects for future play. Just sick how much injuries have plauged the team. To be honest, the kings have only had a couple years the past decade that have not been either riddled with injuries or the team just plain sucked. Quote from the ESPN power rankings says it all, "Sure, the players play the games, but Andy Murray's ability to keep his team afloat through this many injuries is unexpected." Any word on the anticipated length of time Visnovsky will be out? All I know is he's on IR after that check into the boards. One thing that amazes me is the number of ties. Crazy. Is it me or , does the league seem to have a lot of ties this year? In fact the 'Ties' column looks either worse or the same as compared to each of the past three years, after the season is completed. Yet we still have 28-30 games left in the season.

Ja -El: I have to say I am with Elrock on the NYTimes registration ban. Fuggers. I have resisted it for three years and I will continue to o so.

All: Did you see the bit about TiVo? Here is a blurb from slashdot...

"Sprinkled in the Janet Jackson boob stories is an alarming bit of information: Tivo tracks subscribers' viewing habits. They know how many times the boob was viewed, among other good-to-have (meaning data worth $$) information. Yes, if you agreed to Tivo's privacy policy you knew they could do this, with the promise that you aren't identifiable. Put on the tin foil hats? Or just another way for them to keep your monthly fee down (snicker)." A story from 2002 has more information and makes clear that Tivo does have the capability to record every click you make on the remote control, at all times."

I knew TiVo keeps "Anonymous" statistics, but I didnt realize they tracked data with that fine of granularity.
