
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

atari guys

I bet those atari guys were in a hot tub with beautiful '80s women. You know what? They can keep 'em. All women from the '80s looked like hideous hags*. I even thought this during the '80s.


Heh. Cashflow was fun. That's when I got an idea for my band, The Consolidators. (Well, that and hearing the cha-ching ad on the radio a bunch of times.) With each song being about something you (the listener) did that was stupid and fucked up your life. First song, "You Never Should Have Bought That Boat." Second song, "You Shouldn't Have Slept With Your Ex-Wife." Third song, "That Loan Wasn't A Good Deal."

* With two exceptions: 1. Phoebe Cates when she gets out of that pool--but then she's got wet slicked-back hair and the horrible '80sness is dispelled. 2. Elle McPherson, who gave me my first bonar**.
** This is probably actually not true. Sadly enough, my first one probably came from either random brain impulses, or Daphne from Scooby-Doo.