
Saturday, June 14, 2003


Pretty good description of Cowboy Bebop. I haven't seen that episode yet (DVD no. 1 had 5 shows) but I know the characters. The premise:
Its like the future, and its one of those wierd futures that kinda retro or whatever- i guess lots of sci-fi is like that. Anyways, the main characters are Spike and Jet, and theyre bounty hunters. The name of their ship is Bebop (it doesnt talk though) and theyre like space "cowboys", so thats the title of the show. I dont know much about anime- I've only seen a few movies (usually the ones that were considered really good) and so I dont know how typical Bebop is compared to others. Theres like stupid humor, then ultra-violence, then its really serious suddenly, then back to like slapstick comedy. If they toned down the comdey a bit, i'd probably like it more, but eh- wierd show.
ANYWAYS, so Jet and Spike always having wacky luck, so they usually dont get the bounties theyre after- so theyre always broke and hungry. The girl was some con-artist that joined the group like in the 4th episode (shes all crazy and annoys them, while wearing SUPER-SUPER-SKIMPY clothes!) and the dog, his name is Ein I think, was from the 2nd episode- all these people were after the dog (its a "data-dog") and its holding some super crucial information, but somehow the wacky crew of the Bebop finds the dog and just keeps it with them not knowning how valuable he really is. And the dog is super-cute, but not SO cute to be annoying.

yeah, im sure i've totally provided you guys with some real usefull information. fuck it, i'll watch all the dvds if they have them at the library. its pretty bad, but kinda interesting none the less (better than any Will&Grace, EVER.)

-Mad About You
My Games

I've decided that these are My Favorite Games. These are the games I get the most excited about running or playing.

1. Earthdawn.
2. HârnMaster.
3. GURPS Steampunk (if only I could get through the damn manual!)

Thinking about playing any one of those three games makes me SUPAR DUPAR EXCITED!!!!

RUN IT RUDY! (If you're not too busy running your Cowboy Bebpop campaign. I flipped on Cartoon Network one day and that show was starting up. The credit sequence was pretty stylish and funny and cool, so I decided to watch it. Then the actual episode began:
CUTE CRITTER (looking into fridge): (Cute, sad sound)
GIRL: We're running out of foooooooood!

That was that.

I hate anime.)

Sorry about the piece o shit week Aeryk. I actually for once had a decent week at work. Yes, this week my fine employers actually deemed me worthy of paying. Hooray!

OK, I'm off to look for Hawaii tickets. I think I'm going to go there for about a week and a half in July. Sweetz0r!

Friday, June 13, 2003

Fun Smoking Shisha

I just got back from smokin' some shisha out of a hookah down in Westwood! I went with a couple of friends, one who is Indian (but grew up in the Middle East) and we went to this place called Gypsy Cafe- it was cool! They had some grub food, and then they give you this big 'ol hookah and you pick a flavor tabacco (we picked Apple) and you grub and puff on the pipe. It was relaxing- not like smoking cigs (which get u wired) or like smokin silly (which makes u feel dumb.) Pretty neat. Couldn't do it all the time, but once in awhile, kinda cool! Whats not so cool is Westwood- plus, I think UCLA had their graduation today (all kinds of families down there and lots of people with flowers n shit.) Yah, fuck all that- otherwise, A+ night!

-S. Mokington

PS - Checked out a Cowboy Bebop dvd from the library- had never seen it before. Eh- its kinda stupid. Its ok I guess- sorta entertaining, but also pretty dumb.

Happy Friday the 13th, shitbags

Mine has truly lived up to it's name. This has been the absolute, worst week ever at work. Terrible, just terrible. The worst. I have never been more glad a week has come to a close. And the weekend is not going to get any better.

Doctor A. Nalsarsington at your service!

Sounds like a sweet deal Jael, but I did end up gettin' a POS bike- I use it all the time, but of course I'd rather have the Trek- Maybe if I ever get a job, you can sell it to me- otherwise, if you find some buyers, sell it!

Jets To Brazil - Yeah, so maybe I'm a LITTLE behind on the times. Was listening to some Jawbreaker today, and did some web-sleuthing and found out about Jets To Brazil (ex-jawbreaker singer.) I'm sure you guys (elrock rdub) have talked about them, but I wasnt listening. Its pretty cool- real mellow compared to Jawbreaker, but still m. mmgoodington.

- W. Olfensteinington
I'm so brain dead right now.... after lunch is the worst

I wonder if it gets worse with old age or better. I don't remember ever feeling so shitty in high school even when I hadn't eaten anything for lunch. There has to be a cure or some type of medicine for this. I feel like closing my eyes and dream of paradise, but I'm afraid of sleeping..... sooooooooooooo can't think. And it's like I can't concentrate either so I'm constantly looking around the room angstly.

What? Mykal has Anal SARS?! Stay away from the monkeys Boy! s'matter with ya?

I have way too many hobbies, I need to cut down on my expenditures and sell most of my shit. what has to go: Paintball gun/mask/stuff, Bicycle, 2/3 guitars, Most of my board games. Rudy, do you need a bicycle still? I used my TREK 4300 maybe 3 times. I don't think Fremont is a good place for biking and my dreams of biking to work was just a wild fantasy. I'll sell it to you for 150 bucks 50% off of what I paid for it (no tax either). Still has warranty, and lifetime tune ups in the fremont bike shop. I'll have to think about it still... but if you want it let me know.



Hey Mykal, if you put your name and address on the Internet, evil monkeys will collect it for their anal SARS distribution list, so be careful!


I love Harn. I love all things Harn. Harn is the greatest! After collecting like $120 worth of Harn stuff over the last few years I'm finally starting to dig in with. I like it because it's a cool, well-designed world, grounded in a much grittier reality than your average FRPG. The module information teaches you a lot about feudal society without making it seem like a joyless place to role-play.

The combat system seems pretty great, too. Pretty brutal. Magic (which is somewhat rare) and good physicians can help greatly, but there are rules for infections and necessary amputations.

Also, when they have an Index, they call it a "Harndex." When they have an overview, they call it "Harnview." How fucking great is that??

I'll roll up a character right now!

My character, who I will name Jonghis Khan (even though the name is out-of-genre) is a human male born on Morgat 27th, the end of winter. His astrological sign is Lado, symbol of journeys and fulfillment. He's the eldest of three children and still lives at home, with happily-married parents. He is popular with his clan, which is headed by his great-uncle! He is a whopping 6'5" tall with a medium build and weighs 185 pounds. To sum up his interesting attributes, he's quite strong, has lots of endurance, and has a pleasing voice, but is a little near-sighted with below-average hearing. He has a large birthmark and an unpleasant infestation of parasites (this penalizes him whenever he attempts to use the Lovecraft skill). Jonghis is stubborn, but lacks spiritual conviction, which has led him to a slightly unscrupulous nature. He also has bulimia. He is heterosexual and worships Sarajin, the viking god of battle. He makes his life as a seaman, AND THUS THE ADVENTURE BEGINS!

Another thing about Harn that I like is the Lovecraft skill. This skill is derived from your Comeliness, Agility, and Voice attributes and is gained the first time you attempt to use it. From the text: "It cannot normally improved by solitary practice, although there may be books or teachers available."

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Dubya Falling off a Segway!

Heh- click HERE.
The M.A. Anderson Address
Oh... I thought you had it. Here is my address:


Righto, I'm exhausted so it bed time for me.

So, with urinal tract SARS, that means you have trouble breathing with your penis? I must have it, because I always have to use my lungs instead.
Peace punks, dudes, peace punks - don't know why it did that mulitple post thing -- I only pressed post and publish once -- three for one bonus!

- What I need from everyone so that your male-boxes are full, are your addresses. I have Enron's, and now I have Johnny's, I have Enoto's, but I need Rael's, and M-Andressen's. So, email those to me and you too can get a "save the date" letter.

- BTW, the date to save (and to be in the country and in Santa Barbara) is Jan. 3, 2004. Save it, fucko.

- I'm in (if I can find some time) for MOHAA. It might be difficult to schedule, I'm really booked all weekend with my Wolfenstein LAN parties and urinal-tract SARS. I'll try though.
Two Down... Two to go!

WE BUMPED AGAIN TODAY!!! To answer your questions, Bumps is the most unfair game ever... the starting order is dictated by the previous day's results, and that in turn by the one before. The beginning order in any given year is the same as it was at the end of last year's Bumps, so it does take a long time (like years or decades) to reach the top. My college.. Corpus, has only had the headship once in it's 651 year history, and we're not likely to change that. What we do want is 'Blades' which is the honour and right to purchase your own oar decorated with our names and the boats we bumped, and place it in the college bar forever -- would be kind of cool to come back years later and see your name in the bar, so we're really gunning for it. To get this honour, you need to bump for all four days of rowing -- so, we bumped yesterday, and today, so we're half way there. Wish us luck tomorrow, because it's really going to be hard then. As for Jon-esque farting, yes, that certainly comes into it -- fortunately it's the guy in front of me who does the most, so therefore I don't have to smell it! Ok, that's my extended story. Good to hear from you guys, and I'll keep you posted!


MOHAA Lan Party!

Yeah, I'm down for some MOHAA like I'm down for some anal-SARS! :p

Cool boat story mike! That stuffs gotta be keeping you in Paul-Barr-esque Stud-Mode! Don't worry, I have a very empty mailbox too. :(

PHD, pimpin ho chi min degree

one of my cousins is also getting a PHD. He's pretty academically gifted. I don't know, I wish I had the academic fortitude to get a PHD, but Nay that is not my forte. Mine, is that of being your friends.

So Land of the Mike! glad to hear from ya! can you bump more than 1 boat a day? that's cool... like pole position on atari. because if you can only bump 1 boat a day, it might take a while to get to first place.

So during the row, you should place some of jons bowel movements in the back so the people behind can't avoid smelling the fresh warm pickled breeze that blows their way. They have to stay in the line right? Well there you go.

so who's in for a MOHAA lan party this weekend???!!!

Kewl Party

There's so much excitement here, that I've hardly time to stop moving long enough to blog! Forget shit stories, here we're rowing in college 'Bumps' which is this insane system where 20 boats line up at 1.5 lengths apart and then try to hit the boat in front whilst avoiding the one behind. Man, is it scarey, stressful and hectic. And what is better, it goes on for 4 days in a row. Yesterday we bumped the boat in front, which means they are now behind us in the line, and will be out for blood -- yikes! I'm so nervous my hands are shaking... ok, that was my story.


P.S. Invite...hmm? The conspiracy continues...sad Michael!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

hax net

Haven't played nethack in a long time, but I ran into it again, and d/l'd it, and its color now- hmm. seems cool- pretty much the same, but with graphics sorta (i think u can still run the b&w version too.) nethack.org

Ya, I was going for the cool skull look with that shirt- just for fun- instead of bones its the turntable amrs though (tonearms.) Sweet.

- *
Death Metal or Cafebeats?

The shirt is pretty kewl, however, it seems more hardcore than the music dictates. I like skulls and death and destruction, who doesn't?, but I'm not sure it grooves with the mellow grooves you turn out. Then again, what do I know. Nothing, that's what I know. But it's a kewl shirt, I just might have to pick one of those up too!

Work sux0rz.

Looks like tonight the 4Runner will be sold, and I am sad. I wanted to sell the Jetta and let Leslie have the 4Runner, and she did too, she just neglected to tell me that... she told all her friends that, but she told me she just wanted the money.... I am the Evil Boss, need the info... either way, I am sad. It is the best car EVAR. Nevar a problem with it, just sunk some cash into it to fix it up some, got it detailed, etc. It will be missed.

Sheesh... get over it, you woman....

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

New Shirt Design- Gonna do somethin on the back too. What you think?
"w" is for "www.biomass.com"

Good story Oon- Hadn't thought of that shit in awhile. Whup, shipmates is on, be seeing you.

In other SO-FUNNY news, I caught the beginning of the MTV Movie awards this past weekend (seemed highly unwatchable) but it opened with this rad skit where it was the scene from RELOADED with the Architect and Neo, and they super-imposed Will Ferrill as the archetcect, and just re-edited it so it sorta seemed like he was talking to Neo. Anyways, he's all: "Your presence at the MTV Movie Awards is an anomoly, apropo a glitch in the Matrix, vis a vis, a... wait- I don't know what the hell I just said." And then later in the skit he starts taunting neo by going "APROPO! VIS A VIS! APROPO! VIS A VIS! APROPO! VIS A VIS!" It was pretty god-danged fuckin' funny.

Just for Oon: In other Matrix news, I guess the supposedly uber-crappy game "Enter The Matrix" fills in a lot of shit that didn't make sense
in Reloaded. (Like, remember when they go to meet the French guy, in the beginning of the scene, you see them hustling out this homeless looking guy- well, he's a character in the game.) Also, that annoying kid that runs up to Neo in Zion and wants to carry his shit (he's like that MOUSE fuckin guy from matrix1) anyways, he's from one of the stories in the Animatrix, called Kid's Story. Its actually one of the cooler cartoons on that dvd- d/l it like i did. See dude, you just didn't UNDERSTAND the matrix 2. :P

Monday, June 09, 2003

Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free-. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. Sure, till I get a job I'm pretty free and wouldn't mind some coc.
Believe it or not, if the game is at night or after 4... I am in.
Two Poop Stories and Counting!

- Isn't poop just the greastest? It sounds like your new week is not going to be any better than the last one, eh R-Dub? And the surf sux0rz, so that also is not working out for you. And one more thing, the Ducks playing one game against the Devils for the Stanley Cup? I like the Ducks odds, it sounds like you might be a millionare with that bet you made in Vegas!

- Calling all Call of Cthulhu: I am running a game of CoC for the "other" gaming group, which is actually the "only" gaming group, starting *hopefully* in two weeks, obviously Enoto is in, just wondering if anyone else is interested that lives in the area, meaning Rael or RDub. We try to play Sunday afternoons, though with CoC we might try and play during the night some time. I know gaming isn't high up on your list of things to do for fun Rael, but it is CoC, and the group is pretty fun (even Lori seems to be loosening up a bit), and I just thought I would mention it to RDub since he has expressed interest in gaming after playing Battle Cry and almost (if my miniatures were not stolen) playing Blood Bowl!

- The WWII N scale destroyed buildings look kewl.

- That is all.
I just pooped and I think it came out sideways. Nevertheless, it clogged the toilet and the water overflowed onto the ground. I just spent the last 15-20 minutes cleaning it up. What an awful day so far! Glad I was at home instead of at someone else's house or at work. Yeesh. That's all. Oh, and hi everyone.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

A Greast Awakening

After a pretty fun party last night (Janice's surprise party, over at Yukari n' Jordan's), I abruptly awoke at 5:30 in the morning with a horrible, horrible stomach sensation and went to the shitter 3 times in the next 20 minutes. The third time I went to the can, both sluices opened up. Not at the same time... the oral right after the anal. Because I'd had a couple of red, tropical drinks, my vomitus was a startlingly bright color and at first I thought I was throwing up blood. Anyway, that's pretty much the most exciting thing that's happened the last few days. Except that I finally found my HarnMaster rules. HarnMaster is my very favorite game that I've never read the rules for. I don't even know how it handles combat and magic, I just sort of have all these exciting fantasies for how I think they are handled.

Oh, and I'm going to sell off some of my graphic novels like all of my Sandman books. It was fun collecting them, but it's time for me to unload some of this shite....

Just found out about this place called Zazzle. Its like CafePress but different- they do shirts n stuff, but it seems more on the poster/prints tip. Anyways, they got a bigger selection of shirt types and blah blah blah- looks kinda interesting. I've been checking out the cafepress message boards a little and there've been some lame changes (with prices going up and shit like that) so it'll be cool if there are neato alternatives.
(ADD: Well, they seem more expensive than cafepress although they definately give you more options (shirt types, shirt colors, etc.) so who knows.)

New Radiohead, "Hail to the Thief" = good.

Re-reading of Microserfs = pretty good. Its a little bit "aged" , but not too bad. Fun and easy to read.

Reading FastFoodNation = what a great book. Not really "gross-out" like I thought it would be, but just as disturbing (business practices) and pretty moving n shit. NiCE.

Captains Blog: Brown with corn. Plus bonus: Stupid too much to drink

Sweet, Sweet, gaming. Yesterday Ja -eL and I had some good gaming fun @ the gamesday event. Johnny Led Picket's Charge against the union with brutal losses, but was able to deafeat the union in a close 6-5 victory. Picket led with a few cards moving almost all the confederate troops to the center. Then played a "Forced March" in the center. This was followed by a "Counter Attack" by the union. Then the south played a couple small cards while the north led a couple of devastating "Leadership" charges. Next Ja -El led with an "All out Offensive" (Reshuffle), followed by a union led "Forced March". This was followed by another "Forced March" play by the south. This sealed the fate of the north. Carnage galore.

Battlecry was followed up by Iron Dragon. Two random guys jumped in, including a super rail game fanatic that swore we would be done in under 2 hours after I said the game takes 3-4 hours. I turned to johnny and said, "bullshit". Just because he plays the game all the time online does not mean that a bunch of amatures would be quick at mapping routes and patoffs. Even with his prolific and often quite helpful assistance, if not impatient to the point to frustration at times, the game had two Paul Barrs. All said and done: 3hrs 30min. Three cheers to johnny for defeating the wily old veteran one round before he would have won.

Went to a flat party, turned bar visit (Where I had that one extra beer that I didnt need... You know the one), turned dance club visit. D'oh! Didnt get home until 5:30. If it hadnt been for me driving I would have left at 2am. But they decided to go out to the club and I was too buzzing to drive home so I went with them to wait it out. Ahhh yes the club meat market. Blah! The cool thing though is that when we came back from the club we got pizzas. How sweet is it that a pizza place was open @ 4am? While we were eating, one of our friends who does DJ work started spinning records on her setup. Cool shit. She is pretty darn good at it. Overall it was a very good day.

Wheaties, the breakfast of champions