
Friday, June 13, 2003


Hey Mykal, if you put your name and address on the Internet, evil monkeys will collect it for their anal SARS distribution list, so be careful!


I love Harn. I love all things Harn. Harn is the greatest! After collecting like $120 worth of Harn stuff over the last few years I'm finally starting to dig in with. I like it because it's a cool, well-designed world, grounded in a much grittier reality than your average FRPG. The module information teaches you a lot about feudal society without making it seem like a joyless place to role-play.

The combat system seems pretty great, too. Pretty brutal. Magic (which is somewhat rare) and good physicians can help greatly, but there are rules for infections and necessary amputations.

Also, when they have an Index, they call it a "Harndex." When they have an overview, they call it "Harnview." How fucking great is that??

I'll roll up a character right now!

My character, who I will name Jonghis Khan (even though the name is out-of-genre) is a human male born on Morgat 27th, the end of winter. His astrological sign is Lado, symbol of journeys and fulfillment. He's the eldest of three children and still lives at home, with happily-married parents. He is popular with his clan, which is headed by his great-uncle! He is a whopping 6'5" tall with a medium build and weighs 185 pounds. To sum up his interesting attributes, he's quite strong, has lots of endurance, and has a pleasing voice, but is a little near-sighted with below-average hearing. He has a large birthmark and an unpleasant infestation of parasites (this penalizes him whenever he attempts to use the Lovecraft skill). Jonghis is stubborn, but lacks spiritual conviction, which has led him to a slightly unscrupulous nature. He also has bulimia. He is heterosexual and worships Sarajin, the viking god of battle. He makes his life as a seaman, AND THUS THE ADVENTURE BEGINS!

Another thing about Harn that I like is the Lovecraft skill. This skill is derived from your Comeliness, Agility, and Voice attributes and is gained the first time you attempt to use it. From the text: "It cannot normally improved by solitary practice, although there may be books or teachers available."