
Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Death Metal or Cafebeats?

The shirt is pretty kewl, however, it seems more hardcore than the music dictates. I like skulls and death and destruction, who doesn't?, but I'm not sure it grooves with the mellow grooves you turn out. Then again, what do I know. Nothing, that's what I know. But it's a kewl shirt, I just might have to pick one of those up too!

Work sux0rz.

Looks like tonight the 4Runner will be sold, and I am sad. I wanted to sell the Jetta and let Leslie have the 4Runner, and she did too, she just neglected to tell me that... she told all her friends that, but she told me she just wanted the money.... I am the Evil Boss, need the info... either way, I am sad. It is the best car EVAR. Nevar a problem with it, just sunk some cash into it to fix it up some, got it detailed, etc. It will be missed.

Sheesh... get over it, you woman....