
Saturday, April 05, 2003

oh my god, sushi

I'm gonna sign up for a "sushi making" course that they have at the jc out here! I friggin LOVE certain kinds of sushi, and if I can figure out how to make some GOOD spicy tuna rolls n shit like that, oh.my.god. I will commit sushi-cide.

Review: Head Of State: Saw it last night. It was funny- not the funniest movie, but it had some just ridiculously funny parts. It had some lame slow parts too, but the good out-wieghed the bad.

vin diesel IS supar-cool

They had Vin Diesel on Conan last night, and Conan was all "So, I hear that you have a very NERDY side to your past that a lot of fans might not know about." And sexay Vin said "Well, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons!" And then they talked about it for like half the interview. Vin says hes been playing "D&D" for 24 years (I don't think hes much older than 30) and he even said in the movie xXx, one of his fake tattoos said "Melkor" which was the name of his "Drow Witch-Hunter" character! It was pretty sweet- he was all "I was rolling TWENTY SIDED DICE!" He's one of us! EDIT: He's one of you guys!

Friday, April 04, 2003


a transcription from that episode (I assume its legit) : CLICk

Review: Gone With The Wind
I'm glad the south burned.

Space Ghost: "See, Old Kentucky shark is the brand new mascot of the failing liqour chain that bought us."
Zorak: "Ohhhh... so know there is a liquor store involved."
Space Ghost: Look, in the heat of conversation Zorak I may have said certain things I don't believe to be true.
Zorak: So You lied?
Space Ghost: Are you slow? The aledged lie that you might have heard, me saying, aledgedly moments ago, that's a parasite that lives in my neck.

Elrichter, the line goes like this. I forgot the talkshow part: "This next question is brought to you by Old Kentucky Shark of Kentucky Nightmare Talkshow Liquor Corporation"

Ahhh.. yes my documentary.

Dumb people haul trash around
Action Team emergency message.... beep beep beep

It's 5:02, I need Mcoils phone nombre. I'm at work and my cell's at home.

oh I need this by 5:40, otherwise I'm out of the office going towards home.
End of Transmission

oh wait, wow. 1 million? by installing computers to hotel rooms? cool.... I need to phone u up. Are these computers linked to phone sex lines?

NOTE: oh wait I just remembered, no contact information should be given over blogger, security reasons. Aaon will just have to deal with the rapists, and molesters on his own.

I just registered this. I'm hoping I can maybe set-up some email server from my house using a dynamic dns program and give everyone an email. Sweet. I just couldn't resist....

NOTE: Listening to the chatter in my office... Consciousone.com has every intention of pulling in 100K a month by July, and 1 million a month this time next year. Scary scary scary scary scary......
Look, dirt.

My itinerary: Fly Southwest to Houston departing 8.20am, arrival 1.25pm, rent a mini-van, drive 250 miles to Dallas, and sleep. Wake up, do work, drive the mini-van 250 miles back to Houston, do work, sleep. Wake up, drive 90 miles to Beaumont, do work, sleep. Wake up, drive 90 miles to Houston, turn in rental car, fly home, arrive @ 2.30pm in LAX. Lot's of AudBlogs from the road, I guarantee. And I am taking orders for "Don't Mess With Texas" merchandise...

Hey look, more dirt.

Old Kentucky Shark from the Kentucky Nightmare Liquor Corporation. Are you kidding me? How someone could POSSIBLY come up with something that funny is beyond me. And the wheezing shark? Truly, brilliant.
Thunder Lips

I forgot about those sweet names in Rocky III. Sounds like character names I would come up with if I were writing a movie script. Johnny You need to lay down the law with your boss. Just barge right in there with your paint ball gun and light him up if he won't give you a 7% raise at least.

Elron: Yeah I still have Space Ghost on my machine. I also have it on video tape in storage. That show is great. Old Kentucky Shark from the Kentucky Nightmare Liquor Corporation. Brilliant. I swear I will never lose that one.

Gotta run to work. Later Skaters.

M80s for brains and sexual organs

Thursday, April 03, 2003

That sounds like a definate possibility. A fifth job, perhaps?

Anyway, my roomate has PS2 and has this game for it called "Rocky." In it, you fight all of the opponents that Rocky faught in the movies. You gain experience by punching slabs of meat like the movie, and Mickey (your trainer) even dies like in the movie! However, unlike the movie, all you have to do is walk forward and jab and you can beat ANYBODY in the game. It is retarded. A glitch, perhaps. I beat Clubber Lang in three rounds on the most difficult level and i friggin suck at the game. Besides that, you don't even get to fight Thunder Lips. Crapola. C-

If anybody wants to break into the house that I live in and steal my roomates' dogs, I swear, I won't tell anyone. There is one black lab and a golden retriever. All in all, pretty sweet dogs, but super hyper and neglected. As I am typing this, the black lab is humping the golden retriever after they just spent 5 minutes fighting. But both dogs are females, which is weird. Why is one humping the other. Sometimes, when they hump, the black lab makes farting noise. Why does this happen?
Knock, knock. Who's there? Opportunity.

Okay, so here's the deal. I understand that some of yooz guys are looking to make some money. I might have a solution with my company. Incase you don't know, my company does automated business centers in hotels. We are looking to add some internet kiosk locations NOT in hotels but rather in busy coffee shops, hospitals, busy doctor's offices, restaurants, YMCA's, youth hostels, etc. Yooz guys could be some of the guys that get those locations signed up. As an independent contractor, you guys would get a flat fee for installation (fee is based on location/site - ranges anywhere from $50 for a wireless location to $500 for a 300+ room hotel), and also roughly 5% of the monthly revenue from all locations. We will train you, provide everything you need, etc. The best part is which gives us the "unfair advantage" is we offer the hardware for free to sites, and give them a rev. share. So it's a win/win for all involved.

I wouldn't be jacking you guys around, it's not a bad deal to work on your days off, and it's passive income once the sites are up. It's kinda cool. We have some contractors in other states that are pretty happy. I have the contract in my hands and I can email anyone who wants to look it over.

Just a thought. I know the economy is shitty and everyone could use some extra scratch, so if anyone is interested, give me a hollar.

NOTE: I don't get anything for "signing" anyone up, I get no bonuses or anything, I don't actually setup these agreements as part of my job, but I thought that you guys might like the opportunity. Seriously, I'm not being a sales sleeze, I might actually start doing on weekends myself.

Not a six monther

Well my first attempt at asking for a promotion was thrown askew. Thats because theres a manager's meeting tomorrow and he had a lot of stuff to do. I will have to find a better time to bring this up, most likely after the meeting tomorrow. 1%? I think not sir...

Not the funnest game

when you've never seen the show! Heh- I really like Sienfeld though- thats on regular peoples TV so I watch that a lot. Heh, I listened a little to that SoCal PISS station yesterday- pretty cool *cough*SUCKS*cough* - j/k. What the hell, is it Ry's singers station or something?

Larry David

- Only this guy would describe a woman's head as resembling "a dress made of turnips and blood".... funny stuff. Check out the Curb Your Enthusiam Game! What a great show. Jon, can I borrow your archive tape (now that I am ready for it) sometime? And what the hell was that "new" cute way of saying that word you created? Kinda like supposebly, but slightly different.. it's killing me....

- Three cheers for the 6 month review! Hopefully the dicks at your work won't give you like a 1% raise or any crap like that.... Of course 1 is more than 0, so I guess take what you can get?

- Enron: Do you still have that Space Ghost on your TiVo? That would be great. I think you know which one I am talking about...

- Remember Michaelanderson? What a guy that guy was.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Good luck Jael! Let us know how it goes!
Asking for a promotion

Review time fellas... wish me luck. Hey, I'm gonna talk to the director of another division to see if I can fill in a PM spot. Hope I get it. It's my future, but I'm so nervous. shit. keep ya posted.


... Geezus, even The Decapitones.... I'm going to be sick...
Whoa, said Joey Lawrence.

That dorky looking kid at the end of the tape was pretty crazy, huh. Not to be too insensitive, but when he first came out, I thought he was retarded! Pretty cool- I like that shit they do that makes it look like they're stop-motion or a stobe light. COOL!

Mr. Blog

Check my output today! Whatever.

This video is amazing.

This is Number Three

People that pull out infront of you on a two-lane street when there is NO ONE behind you and you are moving at a decent speed and they pull out infront of you and then creep along 10 miles under the speed limit. This crap makes me SO mad. I know Enron is with me on this one at least, that guy gets as annoyed with other drivers as I do.

Speaking of R Dub, I was listening to some streaming radio on Shoutcast and came across a little gem of a station called SoCalPiss(Where Every Stream is Golden). In and of itself, that is great, but even better, streaming between Skankin' Pickle and Jimmy Eat World, was Routine Riot. Routine MoFo Riot. Too bad I lost a lot of money on those chumps. All of them are chumps. ALL OF THEM.

NOTE: This just in for RDub, Jefferies Fan Club is playing right now.....
... And now Codename Rocky...

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Here is My Life

- I have no idea what Holes is about, sorry, and that Amazon stuff about Cheney's wife made me LOL too! It was funny up until the very last part about "also recommends", now that part was funny... it just caught me off guard!

- R Dub and I drank a lot too much saturday night and rode bikes on the strand doing it. All in all, per person: 1 pitcher o' hefeweizen, 1 Bud Ice Light, one "shot" bottle of some colored rotgut that was on sale on the counter of the liquor store, a Club Vodka Martini and a Club Brass Monkey. Not a lot I guess, but when you are a light-weight, it ends up being enough. We rode from Round Table on PCH to the end of the strand in redondo, to el segundo, back to redondo, to my house, back to el segundo, and then back to my house. I threw up in the shower and Ryan passed out after driving home (smart and/or safe) and then had to work the next morning a double shift at 9am. I slept instead. Good Times.

- The Battle Cry Miniatures Project (BCMP) is not going so good and I just realized that Kublacon is creeping up on us! I must double my efforts! (READ: When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do.) Hopefully I can get enough done before the con to play at least the intro battle, and I can paint the rest whilst I attend the con! Yeah, right! That will TOTALLY happen.

- PBI: I am somewhat grumpy, but not too bad, at the prospect of playing PBI with MicroArmor scale miniatures. They now have enough flavors of troops that we could use them instead of Peter Pig stuff, use less space, pay less money, and spend less time painting and modelling. Alternatively, the pieces would be a bit of a pain to distinguish from each other, but I'm sure it could be done. That with be my next project...

- Still no call from the Torrance PD. We have called them two additional times now.

Monday, March 31, 2003


What the fuck? I'm sure if I was in 3rd grade I'd think it was a good idea, but there's just something wrong about a book/movie named HOLES. You guys read kids books: how is HOLES?
Big Laugh For The Night

I just had one of those rare *genuine* laughs right now- sure, I can giggle-up a storm, but to actually laugh out loud when I'm alone- doesn't happen very often. Well my laugh comes from Amazon.com. I guess Cheney's wife Lynne wrote some novel awhile ago, and I was reading the bad reviews of it- funny stuff. BUT, what had me rolling was "1 customer also recommened:" click. It one of those things that isn't even LOL material anymore, but the 1st time u see, omg.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

I don't know KA-RA-TE but.. yeah

So, I'm watching this new WB show, BLACK SASH! right now- eh, not bad. Its like the WB's version of Karate Kid, but instead of just one "kid" there's like literally 10 fuckin' sexay karate khamps! Anyways, so I remembered just now another movie I seen recently:

8 Miles: You, it wasn't that good. Eminem ISNT a good actor like all those people said. I think it was Ebert who said 8 Mile follows the Karate Kid forumula (talented but underachieving nobody "finds himself" and fucks-shit up at the end.) Pretty dumb movie. B -

Yeah, went to march downtown today- way cool. Killer weather too (although this heat is kinda epic at times.) Dude, I totally wanna open my own DOJO now! GRRR... (Jael, maybe we can open some dojos?)

ADDED: Here's a cool little internet radio station, Boot Liquor. Its a 56k feed, but it actually works cuz its plays "American Roots music for saddle-weary drunkards." A lot of it sounds like the stuff from a David Lynch movie or Lone Star or shit like that. Kinda cool. And its a SOMA station- all their stations are really good (Secret Agent Radio r0x!)