
Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Here is My Life

- I have no idea what Holes is about, sorry, and that Amazon stuff about Cheney's wife made me LOL too! It was funny up until the very last part about "also recommends", now that part was funny... it just caught me off guard!

- R Dub and I drank a lot too much saturday night and rode bikes on the strand doing it. All in all, per person: 1 pitcher o' hefeweizen, 1 Bud Ice Light, one "shot" bottle of some colored rotgut that was on sale on the counter of the liquor store, a Club Vodka Martini and a Club Brass Monkey. Not a lot I guess, but when you are a light-weight, it ends up being enough. We rode from Round Table on PCH to the end of the strand in redondo, to el segundo, back to redondo, to my house, back to el segundo, and then back to my house. I threw up in the shower and Ryan passed out after driving home (smart and/or safe) and then had to work the next morning a double shift at 9am. I slept instead. Good Times.

- The Battle Cry Miniatures Project (BCMP) is not going so good and I just realized that Kublacon is creeping up on us! I must double my efforts! (READ: When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do.) Hopefully I can get enough done before the con to play at least the intro battle, and I can paint the rest whilst I attend the con! Yeah, right! That will TOTALLY happen.

- PBI: I am somewhat grumpy, but not too bad, at the prospect of playing PBI with MicroArmor scale miniatures. They now have enough flavors of troops that we could use them instead of Peter Pig stuff, use less space, pay less money, and spend less time painting and modelling. Alternatively, the pieces would be a bit of a pain to distinguish from each other, but I'm sure it could be done. That with be my next project...

- Still no call from the Torrance PD. We have called them two additional times now.