
Sunday, March 30, 2003

I don't know KA-RA-TE but.. yeah

So, I'm watching this new WB show, BLACK SASH! right now- eh, not bad. Its like the WB's version of Karate Kid, but instead of just one "kid" there's like literally 10 fuckin' sexay karate khamps! Anyways, so I remembered just now another movie I seen recently:

8 Miles: You, it wasn't that good. Eminem ISNT a good actor like all those people said. I think it was Ebert who said 8 Mile follows the Karate Kid forumula (talented but underachieving nobody "finds himself" and fucks-shit up at the end.) Pretty dumb movie. B -

Yeah, went to march downtown today- way cool. Killer weather too (although this heat is kinda epic at times.) Dude, I totally wanna open my own DOJO now! GRRR... (Jael, maybe we can open some dojos?)

ADDED: Here's a cool little internet radio station, Boot Liquor. Its a 56k feed, but it actually works cuz its plays "American Roots music for saddle-weary drunkards." A lot of it sounds like the stuff from a David Lynch movie or Lone Star or shit like that. Kinda cool. And its a SOMA station- all their stations are really good (Secret Agent Radio r0x!)