
Saturday, May 24, 2003

More reasons to love teh matriz

Dude, we used to go to the worst movies together and have the tits bananas! What happened? Have you already succumbed to ex-major Ghouliani's eval powars? ELF POWAR! Anyways, I was reading some obnoxious forum posts at the IMDB.COM on Matrix:Reloaded, and someone pointed out that during the scene where NEO is talking to the ARCHITECT and that dude goes on about the horrors of the human race, you see on those monitors in the background Hitler, and other war scenes n shit, but then you also glimpse for a second both president Bushes as well as that photo of Rumsfeld shaking Sadaams hand- bahaha. Sure, the brother's w might be perv-s&m freaks, but at least they're maybe on our side, maybe. My side at least.