
Friday, May 23, 2003

The Bloggest Hour

Hey Johnny... well following the rule of Johnny/Jon concordant movie opposition, you should DEFINITELY see Matrix 2 in the theater, because you will absolutely LOVE it. However, in my opinion it was a BIG PILE OF ASS. With like 2 good minutes. Which means you will like about 1,318 minutes of it....

New York is a fuckin' cool city except taking the subway gets beat after a while! Also I do not have access to my now-formidable collection of GURPS material, which is like my new power source. BTW, I have read through the entire GURPS Lite rulebook 2 times on assorted subway rides, so even if I am not attending KublaKon, I consider myself to be doing my part for gaming worldwide. Eric, cut out those GURPS dungeon hex maps when you get back 'cause brutha, we are gonna build us some 100-point Mages!

PS I also wanna play some BattleCry!!!!!!