
Monday, September 22, 2014

Jr0n - Did you get your copy through the Kickstarter?  I think my email is blocking all kickstater emails, so this was news to me (that it was out).

Eric - I too have played the Shadowrun.  Pre-patch save points were the worst.  It is light on the aar pee gee.  I guess since its roots are the console NES and Sega, it's not as RPG'y.  From what I've seen of the previews, Wasteland 2 is looking closer to the Fallouts 1 & 2 than Shadowrun.  And apparently the Toaster Repair skill is kinda important.

And I will not mention the big unpainted elephant in the room.  I was doing some light cleaning (playing closet tetris) recently.  There are metric tons of lead (actual lead) that are very upset they have not been painted yet.  And most of it is older than all your children.