
Friday, August 15, 2014

That's Em Ay Tee Tee

... you know, the most prolific painter of all time based out of SF?  The other guy with the huge Ogre game that he hates?  You know, that guy?

PS For the life of me, I cannot get GIMP to work the way I used to get Photoshop to work.  I CANNOT set a canvas size, say 60x60px and then take a larger image and shrink it down so that only the part I want shows in the canvas.  It used to be SO EASY in PS; I would set my canvas, then grab the image and I think holding Ctrl, I would mousewheel down and the image would shrink and I could get all the Action Team faces in a nice little canvas, all the same size, and cropped all awesome-syle. Until I can figure that out, EmAyTeeTee might just be a red x, or some other placeholder I upload...

So mad...