
Friday, June 06, 2014

Hell hath no fury...

...like a Kings fanbase scorned.

Apparently, a little establishment in Hermosa called Silvio's, which is also apparently owned and run by and ex-Chicagoan, posted a banner after the Kings eliminated the Blackhawks saying "Hey Kings... GO FUCKYOURSELVES" and displayed it prominently in their restaurant.  Letsgokings.com found out about it and Silvio's Yelp page will never be the same...


That was a totally moronic move to put that up in a 'family-friendly' place right in the Kings fans and players backyard; they could have delivered the same sentiment without the profanity and kept it good-natured, but instead went profane and aggressive.  So from that perspective they had it coming and I hope they are ready for the fall-out no matter how bad it gets....  I don't know how much people rely on Yelp reviews before going to new places, I know Leslie certainly checks it out, but the letsgokings trolls have a loooooong memory...