
Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm definitely interested to hear more about this. Like you, I had pretty "ehhh" experiences with Discwars 1 (I also bought, and promptly discarded, a bunch of Doomtown Discwars stuff on firesale at the WotC store going out of business sale -- although people that actually played that game seemed to really like it).

Have you guys been following GW's recent woes? Their last year's profits were shitzville and their stock had a resultant 24% drop in a single day. They seem to have been dropping since as well. Shadenfreude = oui, seƱor. (Just getting as many languagues in there as possible.)

I actually just played 40k with Matt P., in fact my first game of 40k ever. Gotta say, as a "thing to do while drinking beers" it was pretty good; as an "interesting tactical wargame" it left much to be desired. At one point he was rolling over 60 attack dice, which led to another 40 total dice rolls with a net result of killing exactly one of my chaos marines. From all accounts WHFB is far worse since you can't even get in the door on that one without spending hundreds of dollars (and it's getting clobbered at retail; 40k is the best-selling minis game, WHFB is always after Warmachine/Hordes and usually after Flames of War and some other stuff too).

Seems like the chickens are finally coming home to roost; the whirlwind that has been reaped is also being sown; the loaves are turning into fishes.

In other news: I got King of Tokyo in our annual boardgamer secret Santa, looking forward to trying that one out with you guys too. When? Who knows.

Other than that I'm ok I guess