
Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Appears to be an inkjet printed script for one skit from the show that never aired on cable access that we took the class for.  That was an amazing sentence.  I present, "Skits and Ideas For 'The Show'"  Please note: I have tried to capture the actual script word for word and typo for typo to preserve posterity.  Also note, bolding is mine:

(Enter the Janitor, hairdresser, and the Mortician)

Hairdresser: (to janitor) It sure has been a hard day dressing hair, honey.  A bad case of split-ends can sure make my wrists ache.

Mortician:  You think you have problems, I have to sit around a room of enbalming fluid all day long, knowing I can't drink it.

Janitor: Yes I have the same problem with my cleaning solvents.

Hairdresser: Wow, I guess that even through we lead vastly different lives, we share a common bond of having problems at our various professions.

Mortician:  True.  but none of have problems even close to those of Jerry the Singing Frog.

All three break into song:

Jerry the singin' frog
sits all day on a log,
Contemplating his life,
wishing he had a wife.
Livin' his life in the bog,
yeah he's jerry, Jerry the singin' frog

(Cut to Jerry)
Jerry: Boy what a day dodging the oppressive Jack-boot of capitalism.  All I am trying to do is start a commune here in this bog, and find a wife.  Oh my God!! Whats that!!??  I hop it not the protective guardians of the american way!

(Enter protective guardian of the american way)
Guard:  Jerry the singin' frog, I have been ordered to summarily execute you, for your attempts to usher in a new era of communism in America.  Have you singin frogs no shame?

Jerry: Nope.

Guard: Now you will meet your maker you Godless communist!  (Pulls out a gun, and shoots Jerry)

(Cut to Mortician)
Mortician: Yessir, I just buried Jerry the singin frog in a commune casket this morning.

End (Finally)