
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Totally!  no problems m8.  No one listened to my teeth brushing tips 20 some odd years ago!  =)

I beer-gree

I think we bought 7 cases last year.

I do have a few beers I am bringing, 8 to be exact.



I still have a crap-ton from last ManCon in my garage, so we totally over estimated that time, lets not do it again :)  Maybe a case or two from Costco, and the rest from the local liquor store if need be.  I think there will probably be more coffee drinkin than boozin.

And thanks for the teeth brushin top!  That's one to grow on!

Ready chums!   don't forget the toothbrushes, cuz that will save your teeth and brush em at least/about 2 minutes.  Gonna head off in about 4 hours to pick up some peeps.

Beer:  Get as much as you guys want man!  Just mentioning other people can have some of mine in the calculation.  That's all.  Party on

Jello:  Jello shots are always fun.  I have a bottle of tequila and some white zin if we get a couple of powder mixes.  

List Updated to v1.03

r00d, I added K-Cups and Splenda to the list. I already have 1 Gallon of milk, so we should be good for creamer.

All Y'all are in charge of yo Toofbrushes and Deodorant.


Never Forget:

other Toiletries
Phone Chargers
Sugar / Splenda (I forgot my stash of Splenda and I'm not going back to the house tomorrow morning)
Coffee Creamer of some kind (unless we're using eggs/parmigiana for that?)

I'm bringing about 18 assorted "winter ales" that were left over from my x-mas party. And a bottle of Jager that I bought ages ago and never drank. Now we can either never drink it together or be awful human beings. (I love jager!)

Food sounds good! Bacon wrapped hot-dogs are always amazingly delicious if there's an abundance of one or the other.

I've got about 40 regular k-cups packed - so just get some regular ground coffee to bolster that or more k-cups. Also brought some decent tea because I've become quite the green tea fanatic.

I'm at work tonight, so I will be a bundle of energy tomorrow, zzz

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Black beans: wet (EDIT: did my maths wrong! Fixed below)
Tortillas: flour
Beer: sounds like you've done the maths!

More Bits

I have updated the list again. I also had some questions below your comments.

Done.  I'll bring the cooker.

Awesome list for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Please add 1 gallon concentrated/cheap orange juice of any healthy kind.  Aran, 1 six pack of guiness/anything would carry me for the weekend on your calculation for me.  Those foods already sound good!  
Pasta sounds awesome! Sad to say, 4 beers/day sounds a little on the low side.  I'll probably do 12. I suggest also getting a vegetable, at least for ornamental purposes. Maybe we could get some spinach salad? Broccoli? Brussels sprouts? Whatever it is, we can throw bacon at it until it's tastier.

I'll need:
A pack of boneless chicken breasts (about 6 oughta do it)
2 large yellow onions
~6 cloves garlic
(edit) 72 oz of black beans
Small-medium bag o' frozen corn
An epic amount of Las Palmas Green Chile Enchilada sauce (this stuff). I believe the large cans are 28 oz; I need 3 of those. Can be a little tricky to find so lemme know if you have trouble and I'll pick it up here.
Side dish: chips + salsa

The only thing is we need a pretty big pot to make it. Once you get to the cabin let me know if there is one there and if not I'll plan on bringing one.

Preemptive Strike!

FYI, the Beer count does not count Sunday and only 2 beers on Friday. 4 per day also takes into account low beer ja-El, almost no beer Pump and 1.5 short jr0n. I donno, maybe 5 cases? Traditionally we overdo the beer.

jr0n, Flour or Corn Tortilla? Black Beans canned? Or Dry? I assume cans, but want to be sure.

Also, we will try on the Chili Verde Sauce. If I can't find it, I will let you know.

Also also, I updated the list.

Also also also, we will get some shittin' veggies for sure.



Okay, plan?

- Thursday Night - Chili Dogs & Fries/Tots & Beer

- Friday Morning - Eggs (Lars Omelets?) & Bacon & Beer
- Friday Lunch - Order Pizza maybe? & Zuppa Di Faro & Beer
- Friday Night - Meat Bolognese Penne & Homemade Bread & Scotch

- Saturday Morning - Pancakes & Eggs & Beer
- Saturday Lunch - Sammiches & Shit & Beer
- Saturday Night - jr0n's Chili Verde & Rice & Beer

- Sunday Morning - Fuck You! oh & Oranjeboom

Also some snack and fresh veggies.

Need at SLO
- 3 Lrg Tins Las Palmas Green Chili Enchilada Sauce
- 1 Large Pack Flour Tortillas
- 6 Tins Black Beans
- ~6 boneless/skinless Chicken Tits
- 2 Dozen Beef Franks
- 3 x 8pk Hot Dog Buns
- 1 Lbs Cheddar Cheese Block
- 3 cans chili
- 1 Flat of Eggs
- 1 Celery Bunch
- 1 Bag Carrots
- 3 Red Onions
- 2 Yellow Onions
- 1 Small/medium bag frozen corn
- 3 lbs Penne
- 1 Wedge Parmigiano
- 5 Lbs Bag of Bread Flour
- 1 Small Tin Tomato Paste
- White Rice
- 1 Pack Mushrooms
- 1 Bottle Olive Oil
- Fresh Herbs (Oregano & Rosemary)
- 2 Loaves sliced bread
- 3 lbs deli meat (Turkey/Ham/Pastrami)
- 2 lbs Deli cheese
- 1 Gallon Milk
- 1 Box K-Cups
- 2 Flats of Bottled Water
- 2 Cases Soda
- 1 Small Box of Splenda
- 1 Container OJ Mix
- 1 Quart Buttermilk
- 1 Lbs Butter
- 3 Lbs Fries or Tots
- 4 Large Tins Tomatoes
- 2 Lbs Sweet Italian Sausage Meat
- 2 Lbs Bacon
- 1 large Bag Tortilla Chips
- Snacks (Chips & Crackers)
- ~96 Beers (4 cases = roughly ~10/person, an average of 4 per day) Enough? 12 of which should be Guinness for Pump & jA-eL
- Random snacky veggies
- Some Shitting Veggies
- Whole Fruit (Oranges, Apples, Etc)

I already have
- Some Salami type meats
- Pancake Mix
- Vanilla Extract
- 12 oz Faro
- 1 Can Fagioli Borlotti
- 2 Heads Garlic

jr0n's Chili? WTF Mate? Whatchu want?

jA-eL, please bring your rice cooker.

Does this all seem reasonable? Hopefully this is more affordable than last time. No booze should help. I think jr0n is bringing some Scotch.


v1.03 - 01.24.13 @ 7:28am
Elzar, will there be additional damage on the cabin? Or are we covered at this point?

Foodwise, let's not get TOO cheap and at least get decent dinners. I don't *actually* want to eat sandwiches and chili dogs for every meal. Happy to help out with any cooking necessary to make this not happen.

Games: I think I'm just bringing Eclipse and Dungeon Crawl Classics at this point? I guess I'll bring Sedition Wars as well, which came today and I haven't really had a chance to look at it or put together any of its billion minis.
Canned corned beef hash...  Hmmmmm... nitrates

Free Fat Con

The Lard-to protein ratio here is off the hook in the quest for cheap yet edible!    Need me to bring a portable rice cooker?   Cooks the rice a lot nicer than with a pot.   Also Asian market rice is a lot cheaper than uncle bennies so I can grab a 5 lbs bag of rice.  I'm going to 99 ranch this evenening, so let me know.  Spagetti and meatballers is always a fan favorite.   Definitely agree on the beer stock last time.

As for the Fart-alot strategy, that one made me laugh because I didn't think of it first.  Four people would  be quite a symphony.   lol.  Not quite sure i'm convinced to stay in a room now!   It'll be alot better this time because I plan to bring clothes rather than wearing the muscle T's!

Toasty House, Sammich Budget

I think I was turning off the thermostat because I was roasting.  Also, don't sleep on the couch, instead sleep in the small room with 4 bunks and just fart a lot.

I'm down with the hot dogs and sammich angle, too.  Soda, chips, veggie fixins, meat, eggs, bread, etc.  Lowbrow, yo.  Bacon.  Vodka and (insert juice here).  Some select beers (Lagunitas Sucks).  Granola and milk. Coffee, coffee, and some coffee.

Beans, torillas, cheese, salsa.
Given a sufficiently large pot and a way to get rice (either a rice cooker or just some uncle ben's or whatever), I can whip up a batch of my chicken chili verde. Cooks fast, is cheap and tasty. It's better the next day do I could make it Friday and we could eat it Saturday.

Cheap breakfast suggestion: bacon + tater tots + tortillas = breakfast burritos. Aw, yeah.


blEnr0n, eLzar and Motobyke will pick up groceries in SLO before the last leg to Cayucos. At this point the only thing I have planned is to make some bread for the hell of it and also some pancakes for one of the mornings. Based on our experience last year, we will try and be more frugal this year on groceries. Maybe we skip booze, or maybe just 1 fifth of something, and mostly get beers. And less spendy beers too. I think BevMo pushed us over the top last time with the high end beers. We may need to downgrade from a tri-tip & pork chop budget to a chili dog & Sammich budget too. I'll brain storm on cheap eats for us.

Let me know if anyone has any input or a hankering/need for something.

Also, I don't remember the house being particularly cold last year.


Or are you... really hmMM? O.o

  I think we should remain vigilent.  Just in case, I'll pack some winter clothing, a can of hairspray, and a butane lighter just to get that classic first person pewdiepie action.

For survival, I plan to pack light, so I'm not bringing too many games, unless someone wants to play battle cry or memoir 44.  However, I am inclined to barter and will bring some Tofu Jerky and Sweet beef jerky while not bringing any games.  I'll pay my wages through trading the tofu jerky to play some games with everyone!   No one has mentioned anything about food being brought, so I'm thinking we'll cover this agenda when we get there, lest we intend to feed amongst the humans.    

Insomnia - Moar Gaymz!

Think of it as a gift, less sleep equals more games!  And, any short-term psychosis derived from the sleep deprivation is just a fun way to further experience the games!  Just please don't try and kill us, we aren't aliens trying to get into your brain to suck the sweet time-juice that will enable "our" people to survive certain extinction due to shifts to time-space continuum brought about by our sworn enemies, The Blorg.

It's just not true.  Don't listen to the voices.
Maybe the white noise from the rain will help you sleep?

Looks like I'll be down a bit later on Friday than I hoped... I have to take care of something that morning, and probably won't be able to hit the road until about noon. So, jr0n eta around 11 am in spirit, 4 pm in actual.

I'm also quite interested in Space Empires. Feel free to play without me if you're feeling it, though, since I also want to get Eclipse on the table and that is a similar theme of game. Stormy 4x con!

So I guess I don't need to bring Curse of the Temple, then?
Just bring super warn sleeping stuff and you'll be good. It wasnt super freezing inside if I remember right.
F*ck man....  I have a bad case of insomnia lately (last two days).  Freezing cabins probably won't help much!


The weather predictions are in, and it's gonna be a stormy good time at Cayukos Con this weekend! Was that as embarrassing to read as it was to write?

The 5-day forecast shows highs in the mid 60s with lows in the 50s. RAIN everyday with Friday being the rainiest.

Pack accordingly! (extra socks in case you go play rainy frisbee)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm bringing Yahtzee and some cinnamon yogurt.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I'll bring Space Empires and we will play the damn thing! I'm always down for Kingdom Builder, so if you got the room, awesome. I'd be REALLY curious to play Ascension in real life. I still have 3 regular ongoing games with random Internet people. We just constantly rematch. I think I have over 50 games played.

I'd totally be interested in trading for Curse Escape from the Temple. That's the dice game, right?

Mancorn gaymz

Please bring: 

Space Empires!

I'll bring:

Flashpoint (with expansions!)
Star Wars LCG
Lord of the Rings LCG
Drunk Quest
D-Day Dice
Dungeon FIghter
Space Cadets
Dominant Species Card Game
Galaxy Trucker


Kingdom Builder (had a lot of easy going fun with this one last time)
Ascension (with two expansions)

Game Trade?:

Anyone interested in a game trade sesh at Cayucos?  Different strokes for different folks and available gaming partners, so I can offer the following not bad games, just games that will probably not hit the table near me in the next decade:

Modern Art
Roll Through the Ages
Agricola, again
Conquest of Nerath
Last Night on Earth
Escape: The Curse of the Temple (in shrink!)
Thunderstone (with like 3 expansions)
Castle Ravenloft
Panzer General


Crazy video Jael, but damn, "best gore" just seems like the worst website ever! Don't go there dude!!!

Here's my list of games for ManCon. Any requests, let me know:

Lords of Waterdeep
Castles of Burgundy
Mundus Novus
The Resistance
String Railway
Carcassonne Discovery
Rivals of Catan
Risk Legacy

Stuff from last con I brought but not bringing unless someone really wants to play them are:
Space Empires
Flash Point

Bringing my K-Cup machine and plenty of regular coffee.