
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pasta sounds awesome! Sad to say, 4 beers/day sounds a little on the low side.  I'll probably do 12. I suggest also getting a vegetable, at least for ornamental purposes. Maybe we could get some spinach salad? Broccoli? Brussels sprouts? Whatever it is, we can throw bacon at it until it's tastier.

I'll need:
A pack of boneless chicken breasts (about 6 oughta do it)
2 large yellow onions
~6 cloves garlic
(edit) 72 oz of black beans
Small-medium bag o' frozen corn
An epic amount of Las Palmas Green Chile Enchilada sauce (this stuff). I believe the large cans are 28 oz; I need 3 of those. Can be a little tricky to find so lemme know if you have trouble and I'll pick it up here.
Side dish: chips + salsa

The only thing is we need a pretty big pot to make it. Once you get to the cabin let me know if there is one there and if not I'll plan on bringing one.