
Monday, December 23, 2013

Ghost, trick

That sounds like the best tape ever! I remember so much creativity coming out of cassette tapes. You should digitize it and put it on soundcloud or something for us all.

Hopefully Enoto picked up the Walking Dead game - ended up on that Steam flash sale for $6.24.

Speaking of GAMES, another iOS game that's been on sale for a couple weeks and is still on sale I believe is GHOST TRICK. It's a really good puzzle/adventure game from the Phoenix Wright guys where you play a ghost trying to solve your own murder. Your ghost self goes into different inanimate objects in a scene and manipulates them Rube Goldberg Machine stylee. It's a DS game so the price normally was $15 bucks for all the chapters unlocked. Right now, it's only $0.99 cents for the full unlock!!! That's a crazy value for a full on GOOD DS game.

You can always play the first 2 chapters (I think) for free to see if you'll like it. It's dialog heavy if that's a major boner-headshrinker for you. (Spell check suggested "headshrinker" for "shrinker")