
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Torchlight your spare time

jr0n, yup Torchlight seems to scratch the itch Diablo III just couldn't. I was skeptical at first due to the more cartoon like feel, but it did not take long to get sucked into hours of game play. Also, thanks a bunch for the write-up. It was nice to relive it. I very much think it is probably the best RPG itch scratching we will get with the Action Team. I liked the loose feel, which really lends itself to the DCC world.

fArt, the Halfling was crazy rollin'. jr0n let me use his d16's and they were rolling hot, hot, hot! I think I rolled fours times (2 dice each time because of dual wield) and crit every time. Brilliant. I assume to pay back the gods of fate, I won't roll a hit for the next 3 gaming sessions...

I didn't go to the Batkid event due to work, but I did go up to my roof and there were heli's everywhere filming the event. The crowds looked huge. Seemed like a real feel good event. I have been meaning to ask my old district Manager about it. She is heavily involved with MAW, so she probably knows a bit more than I do about how it went.
