
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You took too long, now your candy's gone. That's what happened.

Looks like the PicoBrew met its funding goal.  I did notice that tax and shipping weren't included in the pledge cost...  sad trombone...  I'm in for a Benjamin if we can make a Legolas Lager.

Cool dice rings.  Knowing me and my luck with dice, I'd roll a critical fumble on it and actually break my finger in the process.

Jr0n - I got my Dwarvenforge box last week.  It was the unpainted version.  Three basic sets worth.  Over 22 pounds!  Every individual tile comes in a little plastic bag.  So many plastic trees were killed for our hobby.  I haven't even taken them all out yet.  Remember to lift with your legs when the package arrives.

I recently pitched in on a Kickstarter for a cartoon series.  It's halfway funded.  Hope it makes it.  Don't know if it's up anyone's alley.  Watch the first episode.  It made me laugh (especially the sword joke).

Bee and PuppyCat!!!!

...aaaaand.  I have been out-bondaged by a bunch of Japanese girls.  It's a pop group.  Music is typical pop.  The music is not the important thing here.  Just jump ahead to 4:00.  I never thought I'd ever write "ballet bondage".

Momoiro Clover Z

Oh yeah.  The guy with the homemade weapons scares me.  Especially his laugh.  I can totally picture him having a dungeon like Pulp Fiction.