
Monday, September 02, 2013

I remember reading up on Robinson Crusoe a little before it came out. Looked good but maybe on the fiddly side. Is that not the case? I'm at my game limit for awhile I think, but I look forward to trying it with the Hurtin Cru sometime soon. Man Con 2014? Return to Cayukos Mountain?

Played some Sentinels yesterday morning. Tried 2 new heroes (Wraith and the Liberty dude) versus Citizen Dawn in Megalopolis and got my ass kicked. I struggled with a ton of new rules questions which I assume is gonna be the norm until I've played a lot more. That villain deck is interesting with how all the different "citizens" interact with each other. But this particular combo was brutal in respect to trying to keep all the damage modifiers and rules clear. At one point I had plus 4 damage for the heroes but they could only attack one guy and then when they were attacked in return I had to keep track of damage sent back!? I was overwhelmed pretty early on and just gave up. Q: Is the damage I did to Citizen Dawn still there even though she flipped? Or do I lose it? It made LOTR seem easy which is crazy talk.