
Friday, August 30, 2013

He's good! Just eatin', sleepin' and poopin', the way of all men. I won't lie, the first time I opened the diaper I was pretty startled. "How do I clean this shit!?"

Blogger is horribad. I'm thinking about picking up Blogsy, but it's $4.99! Blah-g.

In LotR, yep, turns with no monstars is a totally normal occurrence. Enjoy them! What deck were you using?

If there's a downside to this game, it's that you occasionally stall out with little chance of winning but it takes a while to lose due to the way the mechanics work. It's less of a big deal solo but it can make multiplayer games go long -- I think Aeryk and I stalled out after like 2 hours before calling it, although admittedly we were doing quite a bit of chatting, drinking, and Taco Belling. This is probably less of a problem if you are a better deck builder than I!

Other recent accomplishments:
- Replayed and beat two Infocom games (Zork II and Bureaucracy)
- Stowed the pieces for the Robinson Crusoe board game in a Plano box that fits in the board game box. INCREDIBLY SATISFYING!

Elzar, any replays/new thoughts on the Pathfinder game? My order got screwed up, but looks like I should have it Tuesday or so.