
Monday, June 03, 2013

Kickstarter Review

Anyone catch GoT? People losin' their shit up in this piece.

Anyway, now that another bitchin' Kickstarter it's done, it's time to review the ones I've backed!

Double Fine Adventure
Backed: 3/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 10/12
Status: I have no idea? Soon, maybe? I don't really watch the videos and haven't been to the forums.

Wasteland 2
Backed: 4/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 10/13
Status: On track, I think? The videos look good. These guys were smart and actually planned for the length of time it takes to develop a video game, as their estimated length of time to develop their video game.

Shadowrun Returns
Backed: 4/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 1/13
Status: I think it's getting made? I keep seeing videos.

Note that when I say "I see videos" for these I mean, video URLs are being emailed to me. I don't actually watch any videos. I hate watching videos.

OGRE Deluxe
Backed: 5/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 11/12
Status: Famously late. But they seem to have all the kinks worked out and supposedly will ship 10/13. The plus side is that it looks AWESOME. We are going to have an OGRE day and play nothing but OGRE all of that day, even if this has to occur at gunpoint.

Backed: 5/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 6/13
Status: I don't care. This is the only one I wish I hadn't backed. The updates are too long, thorough, and sort of overly eager to please in a doggedly professional and yet pretentious way. The last really should not surprise me, the game is called "Republique."

Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster
Backed: 6/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 11/12
Status: Game was actually delivered in... January/Feb I think? I haven't played it yet. Minis are awesome, bits are cool, setting is neat. The first rules of the game were super buggy with lots of holes, but updated cards coming with the Wave 2 stuff (when I get my sweet Firefly crew knockoff minis!). I'll fire it up then, it looks fun.

Tales from the Fallen Empire (Dungeon Crawl Classics setting)
Backed: 7/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 1/13
Status: Late. But it's a cheap, small press game written by one dude and progress seems to be happening, so I'm not sweating it. Maybe if it's not here by the time we start our yearslong, online DCC campaign I'll be upset.

Reaper Bones
Backed: 8/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 3/13
Status: Late. There were megazord China shipping problems that affected about half the backers. Who has two thumbs and was affected by megazord China shipping problems? This guy.

But July will be SO AWESOME when they get here. I will NEVER have time to paint them.

Relic Knights
Backed: 9/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: 5/13
Status: Late. This is the one that really disappointed me -- I was really hoping to have this to build/play/not paint over the summer. I do think it'll be good once it gets here. The minis look great and they put out review rules during/after the KS which seemed to really help tighten things up. Aeryk you will totally play this anime wargame with me right? Your busty babe war leaders get cute animal companions that help you cast spells and * weeps uncontrollably *

The Cookening - A 2D Action Adventure Game
Backed: 12/12
Reward Delivery Estimate: N/A
Status: Well, this one didn't make it. Sorry Pedro.

Kingdom Death: Monster
Backed: 1/13
Reward Delivery Estimate: 11/13
Status: No idea if this one will ship on time. I sort of doubt it since the KS was WAY more successful than anyone could have anticipated, but I think there's a chance: the guy who runs this seems both super hard working and honestly fucking crazy. I'm actually really excited about this one. I have no idea if the game will be good -- the idea is cool (co-op, weird fantasy Monster Hunter with a civilization building mini-game), but I 100% bought this one for the really incredible minis (note, did not buy any dick monsters; showed relative restraint on the pin-ups).

Dwarven Forge Gaming Tiles
Backed: 4/13
Reward Delivery Estimate: 10/13
Status: This was the one that made me swear off Kickstarter for the indefinite future. I bought a fuckton of these fuckers. Dwarven Forge seems really committed to making this one ship on time, and they've both been around the block and presumably have seen enough other KS projects go awry to avoid the pitfalls -- I think it be out by end of year at worst.

Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition
Backed: 5/13
Reward Delivery Estimate: 10/13
Status: Swore off Kickstarter except for this, I guess. This is probably my main armchair gamer game from over the years. Not only have I never played it, I don't think I've ever seriously thought about playing it or even discussed a single word or fact about the game with any of you. Maybe this will be the edition that changes everything? Nah, but it's going to be fun to read through.

So that's the sort of depressing roundup. I am happy to hand off my KS crown to enr0n. The sad part is I'm going to get all of these late projects right at the end of the year, exactly when I lose all of my free time due to having two kids. Go me!