
Sunday, June 09, 2013

Castle Panic, FTW

So Leslie's been on her own Lady Kublacon retreat since Wednesday morning, so it was just me and the boy for some time.  It was his last week of school, last three baseball games, landscapers were coming, etc. so it's not like there wasn't enough to do, but I thought picking up ANOTHER game for us to try out and see if he has any interest in boardgames would be appropriate.  Through the magic of Amazon Prime, Friday morning arrived Castle Panic (and Mice and Mystics, which has not yet been played).

Castle Panic is a co-op tower defense game where all the players use cards to defend encroaching enemies from destroying their castle at the center of the board.  It's simple, fun, and Wy totally took to the rules.  We have played it something like 10 times in the past 24 hours and each time he is into it, then in the middle/end he sort of gets antsy and needs to do some moving around, dance moves, weird faces and sounds - basic kid/boy energy release stuff, but he has seen it through and finished every game!

If you have a 7 year old boy in your life that needs a gateway game to the more serious gaming fair, Castle Panic is it.  I rate it 5 out of 5 AAA Taxo Cabz.