
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Ah. I see.

You ain't fuckin around with your KS funds, are you?  Those are some pretty big ticket purchases right there, boyo.  Using my mental bar napkin math skills, you appear to be out at least a grand on items that have yet to ship?  Since I'm in denial about something I need to do at work right now, and I work better under pressure, I too shall quickly summarize my KS backs:

D-Day Dice - Delivered by a corrupt son-of-a-bitch at Valley Games, but none the less, it's in my hands, mostly unplayed.  All the stretch rewards sort of got me hot to trot about getting a bunch of 'free' stuff, which I regret. The PnP was lots of fun, but for some reason the real version is lacking.  Would be a better app.  Likely destined for the auction house.

Gunship: First Strike! - I think my first Kickstart?  I grabbed this one because it was a novel idea, KS I mean.  It's a dice game that I've heard is totally boring but the guy who made the game is super committed, and sort of sad.  He works at a sign shop and they like cut his hours by 80% during the campaign so all his eggs are in the G:FS! basket.  I hope it succeeds and he can continue eating food.  Auction house fodder.

Flash Point: Urban Structures and 2nd Story - I missed the first KS for the base game and after playing Rudy's copy, I really liked it and grabbed one.  I like everything about this game, the campaign had some nice stretch rewards, and it delivered on time.  One of my Eric's Hotness games right now.

Unexploded Cow - Cheapass returns with a KS.  I didn't play the cheap copy I had, why did I KS this one?  Delivered on-time, didn't even bring it to the con to play.  Or did I?  Maybe it's amazing, maybe it will land me $3 at the auction house.

DrunkQuest - Delivered on time, and I knew I wasn't going to play it much, but I wanted to support the guys that created a game that I always wanted to see.  I was working on a better drinking/fantasy game that was supposed to be revealed as a bachelor con offering for Jon, and then for Aaron, and then for Rudy....  customized cards and quests, it would have been awesome, but I digress.  The quality of the game is great, but it made me drink my delicious beers way too quick, and the gameplay is terrible, and my beer limit is like 2 these days, so this one was sold at the Fleabag.

Airborne in Your Pocket - Total mistake.  Also by the corrupt son-of-a-bitch at Valley Games, and it's future is undetermined since Valley Games is in court right now being sued by a previous business partner and the courts have held like $250k until the case is resolved.  I never should have backed it, I don't really want it, but like the D-Day dice was woo'ed by the stretch goals.

DreadBall -   Delivered, awesome, fun, lot's of stretch rewards!

The Cookening - RIP

Up Front -  See Airborne in Your Pocket and D-Day Dice.  However, IF this thing ships, it will be AMAZING.  They continue to post artwork and rules updates, so it seems like it MIGHT ship even though all those funds are frozen.  This was a risk worth taking for me because the payoff will be soooo sweet if it happens.

Dungeon Roll -  $15 for a dungeon dice rolling game.  Sort of like buying a candybar at checkout.  Not sure if its late, I don't think so.

Flash Point: Extreme Danger -  Anything FlashPoint is an auto-back for me.  Due to ship far in the future.

DeadZone - Really, really excited to see this hit the table.  I've even picked up some ArmyPainter dip and have almost finished organizing the garage for some space to play (and host a weekend of games) in preparation!