
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Musings vol. 3,407

 - Giant Eric Head approves this message.

 - In preparation for Kubla, I roped a co-worker into hitting the local Palo Alto market with me and picked up some Pliny (4 per customer), so after giving away a freebie as a thank you, I have 7 Pliny's ready to go!  Yay for ME, and eff all y'all - none for you!

 - I have read about 9 pages of the Magic Realm rules - too many life/work things getting in the way of free time.  But to pull my weight for the MR game on Friday, I shall bring the game itself and expect a perfect explanation by jr0n, and then be drunk and not really paying attention to the rules so as to mess the game up for everyone - fair?

 - I have a giant box of games that I will be selling and tonight I will try to unearth some more to add to the pile.  I fully expect to be drunk and rich at the end of Friday night.  And I plan on being drunk enough to be belligerent with that asshole if he comes back and tries to talk down our games and then offer to buy them at bargain prices.  Eff that guy in his sweaty-ass face.  AND his sweaty ass-face.

- My plan is to head to the hotel around noon-ish and do a lil' work from the lobby, so that's where I'll be.

 - Watched Judge Dredd, the new one, a few days ago.  It was an interesting vignette of a movie - no real plot, or character development to speak of, but an interesting "day in the life" of Judge Dredd and Mega-City One.  I thought it unusual for a movie to be so story-less, but then started thinking about it and how it perfectly fits into the new YouTube/Facebook/SnapChat instant gratification/clip generation.  Everything is in 10 sec - 1 minute entertainment chunks, so it makes sense that the Dredd movie was sort of like an hour long YouTube clip.  Either way, it made me want to play Block Mania at Kubla.  The game can handle 4 players I believe, I know Denis is in... any other takers?!?!?  You too can be the law!  Drokk it!

 - Congrats on buying a commercial complex, Jael!  Or did you sell it?  Or lease it?  $3.99 buffets!

 - Buffy is the best.  I tried keeping continuity by alternating episodes of Buffy and Angel during season 5, but the juggling of DVDs made it less than ideal so I stopped after about 2 disks.  I did alternate seasons, and the continuity really didn't suffer.  It's mostly like:

Buffy show -  "Gee, I wish Buffy were here to help - where is she anyway?  Oh yeah, she's helping Angel out with something."

And then in Angel - "Sure glad you're here to help, Buffy.  Aren't you so conflicted about your love for Angel and Spike?"

(half-ass spoiler alert)

Then back to Buffy - "Welcome back, Buffy!  OH FUCK THE GENTLEMEN TOOK AWAY OUR VOICES!".