
Friday, May 03, 2013

Iron Man 3

We went to see Iron Man Three this morning! I thought it was awesome! Much better than number 2 and kinda better than the first one. I don't remember the first one that much, but this smoked the 2nd for sure. It was directed and co-written by Shane Black, of Lethal Weapon fame. It's totally a Lethal Weapon movie in a rad 80s action flick way. I like these Marvel movies with The Avengers being the creme de la creme so far. They ran a Thor trailer which looked pretty rad. And of course, the new Superman trailer which was epic.

Ps: As I'm marathoning Buffy, it's funny to notice all the band stickers they've got on the school lockers in the background. This was from 97-98. I noticed Descendents, All, Cruz Records (was that the All people?), Black Flag, and Lit (think that was an alternative band?).