
Thursday, May 30, 2013

I miss the dice

I was checking iTunes like every 15 minutes to see when I could download WHQ - I like it a lot so far!

I do wish we could see the dice rolls, which the developers assure us are there only behind the scenes.  I like seeing what I rolled when I missed, and I particularly like seeing the dreaded single pip in the roll the one phase.

Man, what genius the quip "Roll a One Phase" was.

PS Get in on the Dead Zone Kickstarter.  I don't care if you have already spent your Kickstarter budget this year, this game is looking to be a ton of fun and you get so much cool stuff with the pledges.  I really like the little bite sized games, of course with the option to have HUGE games (and co-op and SOLO) rules!  They have tons of kewl terrain add-ons and I'm really excited!  Seems like something the AT could get in on a la Warmachine, but with less painting, less money, and less time!

DO EET, for your strangely-bearded, and slicked-back haired friend from La Selva.  Pretty please?