
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bravo! I was pretty stoked to see the surprising hat.

I'm glad you played the Eclipse tutorial! I still have to get through that, grr. How does the rule complexity stack up to Space Empires 4x? It's definitely a lot less fiddly than TI3. not to mention shorter.

How's the Magic Realm re-learning going Aeryk? I've been working my way through the 3.1 rulebook and am up to page... 35 or so? (Note: out of about 90 pages of rules, not including an additonal 50 pages of spell descriptions and tables.) I generally remember most of this stuff and can fumble my way through the Magic stuff. I also just got RealmSpeak reinstalled so I can hopefully get in a couple games with that too. Still do NOT understand multiple denizen combat, at all. Fortunately this simple flowchart should help us through?