
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Boobla Chucka, Boobla Chucka. Boobla Chucka Khan!

- I say BelligEric is going to be the best part of Boobla Khan. I have awesome beer, fuck you all. Eat balls, i'm drink faster, magic dickholes bridge, real good. Bleh! Money best part Boobla. I want Boobla!

- I am game for block mania. I haven't played since 1996. I enjoyed it then, I hope I will again.

- M-Byke and I should arrive noonish as well on Thursday.

- Sorry for the delay in posting, but I thoroughly enjoyed the comics strips. r00d, your characters were uncanny.

- Ja-El, "Life at ease you say? Of course you'd be sufficiently at ease fed on peanuts and Tsetse flies! Welcome aboard!" I see you found eLzar's stash of beer and started celebrating early. Congrats on the sale. I am glad you found your calling. Johhnycon Real-Late-Estate.
