
Saturday, April 27, 2013

So Aeryk, when will your new place be ready for a gaming invasion? Shall we pencil in the month of June?

The wife and I went to Seattle last weekend! It was my first time there, and it was really cool. The weather was exactly what you'd expect. It was gray and cool with periodic drizzles, but cool rather than cold. It was nice.

Basically the whole trip was touristy stuff, sleeping, and watching HBO at the hotel. (I'm not including activities such as eating and ablutions in the list but rest assured those happened too.) We did go to a cool art exhibit. This guy Chihuly makes big installations out of blown glass and supposedly takes inspiration from the sea, but I think he may actually be insane and inspired by the Elder Things:

The Call of Chihuly
 We also went to a pop culture museum with a video game exhibit and we were both pretty stoked to see the old AD&D Intellivision game there.

Three cheers that the crap from our childhood is now elevated to pedestals! Step down baby boomers, we are the cultural oppressors now!
It was a really fun place to visit and I'd like to spend more time up there. Rude, maybe sometime in the distant future we could go to PAX after all!