
Monday, April 29, 2013

Aeryk's Diary: 6/2013

6/1: enr0n and jr0n are here! We played a bunch of games and drank some beerz. I love friends!
6/3: Still here. Still playing games. Eh.
6/5: jr0n's voice really drones. And he's so short! Make your feet reach the ground, dude.
6/6: Walked into the room and caught those clowns talking about Warmachine. Again. Told them if I heard that talk anymore they'd regret it. I'd "butcher" them just like they "butchered" my warcaster, the "Butcher of Khardov" in 2005. Jokes, jokes are the best!
6/7: I would like them to leave, but it would be awkward to ask. I will kill them instead.
(Later): It is done.
6/8: It is getting harder to shuffle their limbs so that it appears that they have been making moves in between my wife and child's visits to the room, but I do what I must.
6/13: I am out of pods for the coffee maker. I would ask my wife to buy more, but how to explain 268 pots in just a few days? No, better to reuse them again and again. With each use the coffee is thinner and less colorful.
6/14: (written in sloppy, unsure handwriting, some letters backwards): This is jr0n's ghost. If Aeryk uses his left hand, he can channel our spirits, now that he has eaten part of our bodies. We forgive you for what you did! We were being very annoying. Although I do think that (this sentence and several more paragraphs of text are heavily crossed out)
6/15: They've started to smell terribly despite keeping the thermostat just the way I like it, 26 degrees at all times. I keep yelling jokes like, "GUYS! Time to take a shower, ha-ha-HA!" during my family's appearances (which are rarer).
6/16: I need a break, man. I took the guys with me to work and hid them in the server room. I told my family they are camping in the woods for laffz.
6/17: Bad news! A guard asked me about the bad smell coming from the server room. I drove out to work to "investigate". Now I have three corpses on my hands.
6/18: Coffee pods utterly unusable now, so I have taken to eating mushrooms and fungus from my cellar. Sometimes I am sick, sometimes my head is prismatic fire.
6/19: Too many questions are being asked. The solution is the dark art of necromancy.
6/21: They or something like them walk again, I will speak of it no more.
6/22: It is a relief to have them walking around again although my explanations that they are tired and sick and must be chained to the table meet with suspicion. I tried setting up a game of ASL but their hideous hands fumble the chits. Their dead eyes bore into mine, with camaraderie.
6/25: Fungus is growing from their bodies now. I explain it is game enr0n came up with where every time they lose a game they have to attach mold to their skin. Strangely, this explanation flies.
6/29: Tomorrow they leave!
6/31: June only has thirty days after all it seems. It is July. We got in one extra day of gaming! I am writing this plunging off a cliff with the reanimated corpses in the back seat. Soon, everything will be fine.