
Friday, March 29, 2013

Minefold = Selloutica

Well, it's not like everyone's Minecraft playing has been tearing up the joint so this announcement won't really matter, but Minefold is moving to a subscription model much like every other hosted MC server out there.  Boo.  I quite liked paying my own way for a shared server and not needing to worry about collecting money from anyone or hosting the damn thing in my living room.

All that will be gone as of April 20th, so, suck.  It was fun while it lasted.

They are offering 20% discounts on the current payment method before April 20th  - given I have been playing forever on my $15, I think I might buy another 100 hours for like $12 and be done with the whole thing.

Of course, I would recommend everyone else do the same, but Minecraft is a tough sell 'round these parts.