
Sunday, March 03, 2013

I haven't seen many found footage movies (I think just Blair Witch and Cloverfield), but they sound so fun to make! I've thought it would be fun to make a short one where it's just footage shot from someone's work PC and over the course of it the office in the background crumbles into a howling void.

We've been watching Breaking Bad season 1 and have been really enjoying it. I caught up to the episode I saw initially that put me off -- there's a really cheesy "fraught with symbolic meaning" Texas Hold 'em game between Walt and his brother-in-law, then later Walt goes and talks to the drug kingpin guy and has his "that's not meth" moment where he throws down the magic crystal in slow-mo and it makes a huge explosion (which doesn't hurt anyone in the room). When did Walt turn into Darkman? Anyway, dumb episode, BUT in the context of the show it's not a deal breker. Kind of hope they get away from the "CHEMISTRY will help me out of this jam!" thing.

I've been getting sore throats constantly over the last month or so and have been tired all the time. I finally went to the doctor and she thinks I've got some kind of chronic, mild sinus infection. So I've been knocking back antibiotics aplenty the last few days -- not feeling noticeably better yet but hopefully things will pick up soon.

A very special Action Team get well soon for fArt! Geez, Enr0n told me about the surgery, that doesn't sound super fun in the least.