
Friday, January 04, 2013

I like the cut of your jib

I'm glad that you got Space Cadets! I'm really looking forward to trying it. Also, looking forward to RULING at Dreadball again!

Here's what I'm planning to bring:

DCC RPG - I mean, of course. Finishing Sailors on the Starless Sea shouldn't take more than 2 hours. They say you should never GM drunk, but I intend to prove them wrong. Ja-el, you are going to have fun! Maybe this would be good to do Friday night?

Star Wars LCG and X-Wing - also got these, also think they look fun! Would love to be taught X-Wing since I haven't read the rules yet!

Eclipse - This is an epic space 4x game that is short for what it is (~45 min/player) which is supposed to be the bee's knees. If 2-3 other people feel like putting in the time, it would be great to have this hit the table.

Escape: Curse of the Temple! - 5-player board game that plays in real-time (10 minutes!) with a crazy soundtrack and lots of hectic dice rolling. Should get better with more players and more alcohol.

Plus random shit TBD.

Also, I might be alone here, but I'd personally like to break out Rude's copy of Risk Legacy and reveal some more crazy sekrits!