
Monday, January 28, 2013

Cayucos PostMORMORtem

 - The more people we get, the more socializing, conversing, and catching up each of us need to do with each other, so it makes sense the more people we have, the less games we get in.  I think for that reason alone we should no longer have large groups meet in Cayucos, only small, maybe one person at a time ManCons,  so that each person in attendance can more easily be overwhelmed, picked off, and slowly consumed over time by MorMor and the Giant Space Pill Bug.  It's just being considerate to both MorMor and to each other for not wasting game time.

 - That being said, I did get to play the following:

 - Cards Against Humanity x2
 - Star Wars LCG
 - X Wing
 - Flashpoint x2
 - Space Cadets x1.5, I just pooped out playing it that long consecutively, fun game tho!
 - The Resistance x0 (thankfully ;) )
 - Dreadball
 - Drunk Quest (likely never again!)
 - Kingdom Builder x2 (I like it so much I picked up the iOS version last night!)
(EDIT via reminder from R00ds post)
 - String Trains
 - Dungeon Fighter
 - Street Soccer (almost to completion.  I think the game ended early due to a Breakfast Riot)

 - I missed out on these games I really wanted to play:

 - Lords of Waterdeep
 - Space Empires 4x
 - Lord of the Rings LCG
 - Claustrophobia

 - Next time, I think I need to drink my beers early in the morning so I can be drunk before noon, then drink coffee as a pick me up, and then have it all wear off before going to bed so I don't have crazy drunk heart beat while trying to sleep (as I am want to do when I go to bed with food and alcohol in my system).

 - I'm also bringing my wetsuit, fins, and probable squid-lid (wetsuit hood) with mounted waterproof video camera for next time!  Though I still need the squidlid and camera....

 - Essentials for next time:

 - Rice cooker
 - Slow cooker
 - About the same amount of beer, though we did leave with about a case left over.
 - About the same amount of food, though with a rice cooker and slow cooker we could probably be even more frugal in our Costco run.

Good times, everyone!