
Friday, December 21, 2012

Star Wars

Ugh.  But in a good way!

Wylie and I watched Empire yesterday, and plan on finishing Return today.  He's into it and asking a lot of questions, and yes, we will eventually watch the first three episodes, just to be completists (will have to borrow from neighbors because I still refuse to own them).  That being said, I have experienced a little of the 'watching it again for the first time' syndrome with him, and combined with the whole Disney sale and a new movie coming out in 2 years, I went ahead and dropped a Benjamin on Star Wars game stuff - the base mini game, y wing expansion, x wing expansion, 2 tie expansions, 1 tie advanced expansion, and the new LCG.

They should all be here on Jan 3, so in PLENTY of time to share my shame at ManCon.

It's like I have made it through some odd SW depression, and realized how good it actually can be (and was for me), so I'm revelling in it right now.  Or maybe it's like I had an abusive father that undermined everything I enjoyed and once he died, I realized that life was good and I could go back to liking things again.

It's 'A New Hope' for the franchise all over again.  See what I did there?