
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Robes Hobert

 - Alas, I don't think I'll see the Hobbort until it comes out on DVD.  I just have a really had feeling that it will bum me out.  3 hours for 100 pages of book where many of those 100 pages is padding?  Sounds like a poor decision that would be painful to sit through.

I REALLY hope I'm wrong.

- I saw Bartman Rises, or whatever it's called, last night on Amazon streaming and it was meh.

 - I also saw the Bones Brigade documentary on Netflix streaming and it was AWESOME!

 - Wylie asked why Leia killed Jabba because he 'was just sitting there, not even fighting with anyone'.  Good point.  Why couldn't R2 just cut the chain and they take off and let him blow up with the barge?  It's not like he was a real threat, just sitting there like a slab of grade A slug meat.  Leia's kind of bloodthirsty, yikes.

He also asked about all the other droids on the barge when it blew up.  "Some of them might be good like R2D2 and C3PO".  I don't know what to tell you kid, you're not wrong.

Also, the whole Anakin/Luke thing is messing him up.  He thinks Luke IS Anakin so the whole reveal of Anakin becoming Darth is lost on him.  I need to bite the bullet and show him Episodes I - III so he hopefully has some context....  *grumble, grumble*  It's not like I can have him unlearn everything about the Star Wars universe from Lego and various other games and marketing, so I'm sort of stuck.