
Monday, December 10, 2012

Peter = Blackheart, yo.

We'll be down in LA around Xmas and I think we'd both LOVE to get together for some board games while we let the grandparents babysit! Could we do it either Wednesday or Thursday?

Oh yeah, and the Poop Deck is definitely on this year, probably for the last time! The Poop itself may or may not still be open, the Mermaid is definitely closed, so we may just end up drinking brown bagged Bud Lights out on the beach. Bring your own mural.

I picked up Baldur's Gate! I'm still in the tutorial, but so far it seems like they've translated the controls reasonably well to the tablet, although it's a bit clunky because let's face it, this is kind of an old and clunky game. Further update when I'm a little further in.

Edit: oh, and Spaceteam is awesome. enr0n and I went down to Aptos a week ago and we got in a couple of good, chaotic 3-player games. Definitely one to bring to the cabin.