
Monday, December 17, 2012

"Cool prototype, bro!"

... is what I first thought when I saw that last picture.  I thought R00d and Jael had made some progress on their game!  Instead, I found out that is what passes for a professional game these days :)

(I've heard the game is fun, but I thinks what I thinks)


In a twist of parallelism, jr0n and I also had a mini ManCon on Saturday and got to play Dreadball!

Unfortunately, the acronymn for Dreadball will be the same as Douchebag, but what can you do... Anyway, DB was a really fun game!  It's like Blood Bowl, in so far as it is a sports game where you can hurt people while trying to score goals (or 'strikes' in DB), but boiled down to some pretty simple mechanics.  Much like the 3rd ed BB rules changed the turns so that if you failed, your turn ended to keep the game focused on the interesting parts, DB also keeps the game focused on the interesting parts by reducing the board size, the number of players on the pitch to 6 a side, and giving 5 standard actions per coach, per turn (one player can receive up to two actions, and one more special action from card play, which keeps the potential for dynamic, exciting plays pretty high).

You roll dice against stats and compare successes against either a target number of required success for the action, or against an opposed roll.  Doubling required successes proc additional effects.

Like to play it at ManCon: Proper Edition, so I'm working on priming, and painting the 4 teams and then ultimately building a custom board...  We'll see what actually is accomplished by the end of Jan....