
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Chimney Sweep

I've had to force myself to stay awake this morning because I had to wait through those long time frames for a refrigerator repair man and a chimney sweep to show up. Caught some cool Netflix movies that were pretty interesting. First I saw "Six Days to Air" which is a documentary on South Park. They create each episode from idea to it coming out on tv in six days! It's crazy to see it go down even though I never really watch the show. I'm definitely going to watch this week though to see if it feels like something that gets popped out so fast.

The other doc I just got finished watching is "Indie Game The Movie" which just talks about the current indie video game scene. Well, it's probably like a year or two old, but its current to the last time I was playing a lot of games on Steam and xbla. Neat to see the people behind a lot of games. Talk about all walks of life.