
Friday, December 21, 2012

Anyone else see Teh Hobert yet? My boss took us to see it in 48 fps, and I was surprised how much I disliked it:

- The movie itself DRAGS. Not exactly a surprise since it is like 100 pages of book stretched to three hours.
- 48 fps looks Godawful. Camera movement as well as regular, in-frame movement looked jerky, and in some cases, normal movement would appear to be in comical, Benny Hill-fast motion. Details are super crisp: too crisp. It is very obvious you're watching actors on a set, the artifice of reality doesn't hold. Things like fake beards on the dwarves really stick out.

The fast-motion I got used to (mostly, still caught it from time to time), but I couldn't ever get past the fake look everything had.

Tl;dr take the excesses of the LotR trilogy that you can look past, make a movie out of nothing but them, make it look shitty and there's the Hobbit.

Interested to hear what others think, not everyone I saw the movie with was as bothered by the 48 fps.