Monday, November 12, 2012
Yeah, I don't do any of that towel shit. Like I laid out a while back, I experimented with how many steps I could eliminate from the process and still have high quality end result and the answer was.. nearly all of them lol.
After I mix my batch initially (I've even stopped using the electric mixer, I just use a large table fork at this point to get it all mixed up, heh). And do the subsequent kneading / mixing for another 2-3 times, then I just throw the whole thing into a large metal bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and stick it in the microwave with the door slightly open (keeps the light on which makes it pretty warm in there).
After 99 minutes in there, I take it out, throw it on the cutting board, slice the top, and after the oven is pre-heated, throw that shit in the oven.
I did a loaf with rosemary and garlic in it a couple weeks back and it was absolutely nom-tastic.