
Sunday, November 18, 2012

I slept until 9:40 AM today. Holy shit that was awesome. I haven't slept past 6:30 in many moons.

In other news, my 360 RROD'd. "Mother-cracker!" I loudly exclaimed. It'll be $100 to fix it. I'm weighing letting it stay broken. It's really of value for two things: a) HBO Go b) my tremendous repository of Rock Band DLC. We'd kinda tapered off on a), and I don't get the chance to break out b) often, but I dunno... I don't like the idea of just leaving some broken piece of shit in my otherwise dynamite command center.

Rude, do you use PS+ at all? It seems like a pretty good deal for $40/year since you get a bunch of pretty decent "free" games. They are also expanding it to Vita, and since I'm one of the fools that owns one, it'd be useful for me there as well.

Picked up a 2-player card game today called Mr. Jack - Pocket that's pretty fun and was pretty cheap ($15 or so). Mr. Jack had been on my watch list before, and then it got a recommendation through an unexpected vector. The premise of the game is that one person is Holmes, Watson, and their creepy-looking dog, the other person is Jack the Ripper, or "Mr. Jack Pocket" as the wife dubbed him. The investigators try to get line of sight to Jack while Jack tries to evade them. It's fun and really quick, so if you like the theme at all it's worth checking out. I might pick up the full version someday, supposed to be quite good.

In other news I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, Xmas break, Man-Con, Kubla Con etc.