
Tuesday, November 06, 2012


The 24th is confirmed good for DCC.

PAX... We could all sleep at fArt's house for the entire weekend to save on costs. All 13 of us. Plus, the wifey will love it and so will the kiddies love the drunk, smelly, loud, vulgar gamer invasion. Anyway, while going to Seattle sounds like fun, being a cool city and all. PAX isn't really my cup of tea I don't think. Yeah, there is a tabletop aspect, but seems a lot of it is geared towards electronic gaming, which is a distraction and generally anti-social for me. I would rather a Kubla or Gen Con trip if it were to come down to only attending one or two cons/mancons next year.

BTW, Ry, the silence [absence] of the towels is damn creepy funny.
