
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


That was a cool video to watch, but I'm a little cynical on these big video game kickstarters from old school dudes. I hope the game turns out good and if it does, I'll surely buy it. They always seem to offer more than what's realisitically possible, so I'm gonna hang back and wait till it releases. Wing Commander though was such an amazing game, so I'll be stoked to be proven wrong. I sucked at them too, but they were still so much fun to play.

Bread Talk
I was wondering when you'd get in on the bread-fun Enron! I still make a couple of loaves every other week or so. We have a fancy stand up mixer that makes it beyond easy to mix perfectly every time. I cook my loaves on a pizza stone and still do the water into another vessel trick. Don't know how well it really works, but I have some pretty awesome crusts for the most part. I've done a couple of "no-knead" loaves in my dutch oven, and those have been fun to experiment with. I don't think I really have it down yet, but I'm still trying. When I do a rosemary loaf, I do the basic french loaf but I'll add maybe  1T of dry rosemary and maybe 1/2T of dry "italian seasoning" into the mixing bowl with my other dry ingredients. In the water I'll add a little sugar and maybe 1T of butter. I basically scoured a few different rosemary recipes and picked this and that to try out. It always comes out awesome. I'll see if I can find the main recipe I was using for inspiration, but it's not jumping out at me via a quick google.
Edit: I think I used THIS RECIPE for the measurements, but didn't follow their step one and just did my usual french loaf recipe.

I felt like from the emails we were settling on choice 1. I'm in!